Adventure and capability—two things you’ll always find when you ride with the Subaru Forester. Even on the highways, it’s hard to deny the ultra-smooth cruises that continue for hundreds of miles. However, are you noticing rocky and unpleasant drives lately? If your riding experience feels more on par with a go-kart than a refined SUV, the issue could lie in your rear shocks, which could lead to safety issues if left unchecked. Thankfully, the fix is simple—order your replacement Subaru Forester rear shock absorbers online from AEROSUS today to help restore those adventure-driven cruises.
Do I NEED New Shocks? Check with These Five Signs
1. Your SUV Feels Out of Control

When you’re behind the wheel, does your Forester feel difficult to control? Specifically, do you feel like you’re bouncing when you get to highway speeds or even feel a wobbling sensation when you turn? The cause is usually in your rear air shocks—and you’ll want to resolve the issue before you take a turn too wide into the wrong lane or off the road.
2. Where’s the Power?

Getting to city speeds shouldn’t feel like an issue when you’re in your Subaru Forester. However, let your shock absorbers go faulty, and making a green light in time or safely turning left without an arrow feel like more of a challenge than they should. Even worse, you’ll sometimes notice your rear dipping when you try to accelerate, which leads to awkward drives in general.
3. Why Am I Going Through So Many Tires?

Alongside rough rides, your tire tread will bald at a faster rate with faulty shocks. Not only are you at an increased risk of fender benders and hydroplaning but you’ll also spend a lot more money than normally needed on tire replacements to help keep your cruises safe.
4. Why Is My SUV Sagging?

Let your Forester sit overnight, and you’ll usually wake up to a weird sag to a rear corner in the morning. Also, when your shocks are the main issue, you’ll usually see a strange leak near the culprit corner—usually resulting from a mild leak or seal problem—and cleaning up this mess can take a lot of time and money.
5. You FEEL Every Bump

When your rear shock absorbers are faulty, there’s no mistaking when you smack a curb or pothole—as your SUV begins bouncing almost uncontrollably. Even worse, this bouncing can lead to control issues—so help keep your rides safe and restore your shocks today.
No need to deal with rough rides for long, as we can help resolve your air suspension issues—order your Subaru Forester rear air springs today. As a thank you for choosing us—we’ll even throw in a 10% discount when you order both rear shocks as a pair. Plus, we want to help ensure everything works as intended, which is also why we’ll supply you with a 30-day guarantee, a two-year warranty, and 24/7 support to help cover any questions as they pop up—all to stand out as your trusted air suspension parts supplier.