Remember to set your steering to straight ahead. Also, make sure you use the specified lifting points.

Signs Your Audi’s Air Suspension Went Faulty
First things first, let’s make sure the issue lies in your air suspension. If you notice any of the following, then we have the fix for you.
Ugly Sagging at Your Audi’s Corners
When your air suspension goes faulty, your air springs can’t inflate. As such, you’ll spot some ultra-ugly sagging in the corners of your car. Even worse, you’ll ride lower to the ground. And that extra loss of ground clearance leads to expensive damage and fixes later on down the road.
Grinding and Clicking Sounds during Your Drive
When your air suspension goes out, your fans and other parts need to pick up the slack. As such, you’ll hear all that extra work. This leads to wear and tear that will cost you in the long run.
Your Audi Rides… Not So Smooth
The biggest sign. If you feel every bump and pothole in the road, your suspension’s bad. No question about it.
Remember, you bought an Audi for a smooth, luxury ride. To make full use of this comfort, you owe it to yourself to get your air suspension fixed.
What Part of the Air Suspension System Should You Check First?
Start by checking your rear air springs. Any small punctures or leaks will mess up your entire air suspension system.You’ll know you have a leak when you hear a hissing sound from behind your tire. If you spot any issues with your rear air springs, here are the steps you’ll want to take to get that fixed ASAP.
What you’ll need:
- Replacement rear air suspension for your Audi A6
- A set of standard metric wrenches
- Lug wrench
- Socket wrench
- Anti-seize spray (for those stubborn bolts)
How To Replace Your Audi A6’s Faulty Rear Air Springs
1. Disconnect Your Battery. Stay on the safe side. Disconnecting your battery keeps any parts from powering on when you don’t want them to.
2. Jack up your Audi.
3. Take off the rear wheel. Use your lug wrench to pull off your lug nuts. After doing that, you’re free to remove your wheel.
4. Disconnect the airline behind the air spring. Use a wrench to unscrew the airline fitting here.
5. Remove your sway bar nut and bolt.
6. Remove the lower shock mounting bolt. Again, use a wrench for this step. Don’t be afraid to use an anti-seize spray if the bolts are rusted or tight.
7. Unplug the electrical connectors. These connectors are for your speed sensors. A simple disconnect is all that’s needed here.
8. Locate the retaining screw beneath the air spring. Use a socket wrench to remove this screw.
9. Remove the air spring from your Audi. To make this easier, you can use a prybar to move your suspension to help you access your air spring.
10. Install your new air spring. From here, you’ll perform the above steps in reverse. For extra room, feel free to use a pry bar to move your suspension out of the way. Then, put your spring in place.
11. Put the retaining screw beneath the air spring back into place. Use a socket wrench to make this easier.
12. Connect your electrical connectors. No tools needed here. Your hands are enough for this step.
13. Rescrew your lower shock mounting bolt and lower sway bar nut and bolt. Use your standard wrenches.
14. Connect your new airline to your new air spring.Remove the fitting from the air hose. Then connect the hose to the back of your air spring.
15. Put your wheel back on your car. Tighten all your lug nuts to the manufacturer-specified torque settings.
16. Lower your vehicle. You can now reconnect your battery. Start your engine and wait a few minutes to ensure your air suspension and all other parts work as they should.
Looking for an OEM-quality air spring replacement?
Then visit the online AEROSUS store today. We have the rear air springs your Audi needs to restore its luxurious and smooth drive. Order your rear air springs in a pair and we’ll even throw in a 10% discount!
So, don’t delay replacing your rear air springs and order your replacement parts today.